grand opening of 10 bazaar | Magda Szpecht (pl): cyber elf

  • date: 15 March, 2024
  • time: 20:00
  • place: PONEC - theater for dance
  • event type: performance
  • organised by: baazar festival
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"As a cyber elf, I feel that theater has lost the ability to confront reality. This is entertainment reserved for elites in times of peace.” M. Szpecht

They hide in the convoluted channels of communication platforms like Signal, Telegram or Discord. They work at night, their pointed ears are always alert, and most keep their true identities strictly secret. Who? Cyber Elves! An international group of activists fighting against Russian propaganda, disinformation pressures and internet trolls since 2014. Their mission is clear: to clean our social media feeds of lies and help Ukraine win the war fairly.

At the opening of the 10th edition of the Bazaar Festival, the audience will have the opportunity to get to know Magda Szpecht, a Polish theater director and artist who, on the day of the violent invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, put her previous career on the line and became a cyber elf through the medium of theater. In his multimedia theater lecture, he guides the audience through what he does every day in his courageous practice.

The day after the performance, Magda Szpecht will lead a mini-workshop as part of our SHARING COURAGEOUS PRACTICE project.

Bazaar Festival dlouhodobě reflektuje aktuální problémy naší společnosti, 
a to v globálním kontextu. V posledních letech svůj zájem směřuje především 
k otázkám stavu naší planety a klimatické krizi. Událostí posledních dní 
ale dávají letošnímu tématu “Migrace” zcela nový rozměr a původní podtitul “Ptáků, máku a planktonu” se přirozeně přetransformoval do “vzdorování hrozbám”.

  • délka workshopu: 3 hod

Magda Szpecht is a Polish theatre and opera director. In addition to studying theatre directing in Kraków, she also completed studies in social communication with a specialism in creative writing at the University of Wrocław. Szepcht’s work often explores non-human perspectives and unusual ways of representing reality. When the war in Ukraine began on 24 February 2022, she abandoned her artistic career to become a cyber elf and actively fight Russian disinformation, fake news and propaganda.